Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Do You Have a Story or Mythology Blog?

My tracking tools indicate that I'm receiving visitors, however, I'm not sure why nobody leaves comments.

If you have a Story-telling, Mythology or related blog, too, I'd sure like to hear from you. I'd like to see some other pages and blogs, and see what other people think about stories, mythology, legends, etc.

If you leave a message in the comments area, I can visit your blog and get back to you.


Mahud said...

Hi there Tracy. I have a mythology and Pagan spiritualty blog.

here's the link:


Unfortunately there are not too many interesting mythology blogs out there. i found one the other day, only to discover that it just seemed to copy and paste wikipedia articles.

Here's one you might want to check out:


For some fantastic and well researched Jewish mythology and lore, check out:


I must admit I have difficulty attracting comments for my more mythological stuff, and I've been blogging hard for the past 6-8 months. It's really shame that there are hardly any myth blogs out there.

Blessings :)

Mahud said...

Oh, i forgot. This site is really nice, although the blogger hasn't post anything for over a month, which is really sad.


Gallipot Editor, Ms Nguyen said...

Hi there Tracy,

I'm putting together a fiction blog parodying fairytales at http://princess-charming.com/.

I'm struggling to find any fairytale related blogs out there. Your mythology website seems to be the closest (and most useful) thing out there. Know of any others?


Greekgeek said...
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Greekgeek said...

Gah, need EDIT BUTTON. My tags went wonky. Let me try again.

I confess I haven't read your site before because I only just heard of it from a recent post on Mahud's blog, but... hello!

I've only just started my own mythology blog, Mythprint, and I'm still gettin' my noobie legs under me.

Ailia said...

Hey there,

I'm reading your blog, and, yes, I have one, too. It's at "blog.paleothea.com" and is currently named "Paleothea: Sing, Goddess ..." but I suspect that will change as i get a little more settled in.

It goes along with my website on Women in Greek Myths: www.paleothea.com. There's lot of mythology related material on both.

Mark Alford said...

Hey! I just found your blog. I've started one not too long ago and began searching out other blogs like it. Mine is www.bubosblog.blogspot.com

Hope you like it!